3 gorgeous gluten free recipes you have to try

3 gorgeous gluten free recipes you have to try

There are all sorts of reasons why people switch to a gluten-free diet. Gluten is a basically a type of protein that you get in 3 types of cereal: wheat, barley and rye. Some people have what’s called a gluten intolerance. It’s a bit like an allergy, where your body has a negative reaction to you eating anything containing gluten. Other people live with something called coeliac disease. This is an auto-immune digestive condition that causes quite serious inflammatory symptoms when the sufferer consumes anything with even a trace of gluten in it.

If you’re following a gluten free diet, or you’re about to start, here are 3 recipes that are well worth a try.

Gluten free pancakes

What you need

125g gluten free plain flour

1 egg

250ml milk

A knob of butter

What you do

Sift the flour into a bowl then make a hole in the center

Crack the egg into the hole you’ve made then pour in a good splash of milk

Whisk the mixture together until it becomes a paste

Slowly whisk in the rest of the milk, a little at a time, to make sure there’s no lumps

Put in the fridge to rest for 20 mins

Heat your FlavorStone Diamond pan over a medium heat and huck in a knob of butter

Give you pancake mixture a good stir then ladle in a small amount

Swirl your FlavorStone Diamond pan around so the mixture coats the bottom in a thin layer

a small non-stick frying pan with a knob of butter

Cook until golden brown on the bottom, then flip and cook the other side

Stack up the pancakes as you cook each one

Serve with a splash of orange juice and a sprinkling of sugar

Harissa Chicken Traybake

What you need

4 chicken legs

4 tbsp harissa paste

1 garlic bulb, smashed into cloves, unpeeled

1 lemon, chopped into wedges

400g cherry tomatoes

350g new potatoes

Handful of chopped olives

2 tbsp olive oil

What you do

Heat your oven to 200℃/180℃ fan/gas 6.

Score the chicken legs with a sharp knife then massage in the harissa paste

Season well and place in your FlavorStone Diamond

Throw in the garlic cloves (no need to peel) then squeeze the lemon wedges over the mixture

Chuck in the lemon rinds plus cherry tomatoes, potatoes and olives

Season again, drizzle over with a glug of olive oil toss everything together.

Bake for around 45 mins until the chicken is gnarly and cooked through

Serve on the table with a green salad and crusty bread for mopping up the juices

Gluten-free chicken pie

What you need

For the topping

175g gluten free flour

85g cold butter, coarsely grated

50g mature cheddar, grated

1 tsp mustard

For the filling

25g butter

2 tbsp sunflower oil

500g chicken breast fillets, cut chunky

2 leeks, sliced thickly

350ml hot chicken stock

1 tbsp gluten free flour

85g frozen peas, defrosted

4 tbsp crème fraîche

What you do

Mix the flour, butter and a pinch of salt in a bowl, then add the cheese.

Stir in the mustard with a couple of tablespoons of water.

Once you’ve got a dough, wrap it in clingfilm and chill for half an hour

Next, heat the butter in your FlavorCast pan and fry the chicken until golden

Add the leeks and fry until softened

Pour in the stock, bring to the boil then put a lid on a simmer over a low heat for 15 mins

Heat your oven to 200℃/180℃ fan/gas 6

Mix the flour and 1 tbsp cold water together to form a paste

Add to your FlavorCast pan and stir until thickened

Stir in the peas and crème fraîche, and check the seasoning

Roll out the pastry so that it’s a bit bigger than the top of your FlavorCast pan

Roll it around your rolling pin then roll it over the FlavorCast pan so it covers it completely

Trim off the pastry skirt, brush the top with milk, prick a whole in the center of the pie and bake until golden