Joanne's Coronation Special Filling

Our favourite Chef Joanne has taken the essence of the Coronation Quiche and turned it into the perfect filling to celebrate the King's Coronation.  




Broad beans

2 Tbs Taragon

100g Cheddar

Roast Chicken

4 Leeks

Handful Bacon Lardons

Handful Spinach

Glug Double cream

Pepper to season



Step 1: Preperation

Chop leeks & bacon to small pieces

Grate Cheddar

Roast Chicken to instructions on packet weight


Step 2: Cooking in The Pan That Can

Fry Bacon lardons until brown and cooked through

Add leeks to soften

Microwave broad beans for 3 minutes until softened

Combine the beans with the Bacon & Leek mix

Add in Taragon & Spinach

Once chicken has cooked & cooled, shred all chicken

Add shredded chicken into the Pan

Add grated cheddar until melted

Pour a glug of double cream to create a creamy sauce

To finish add pepper to season



Step 3: Serve

Store the Flavorstone coronation filling into a tub, either place in the fridge or serve straight away on a jacket potato. Or take with you to your local garden party.


Want to try it yourself? Why not grab your FlavorStone Pan today